доц. д-р инж. Кристина Близнакова
Образование и обучение
1991 - 1996 - Електроинженер, Технически Университет – Варна, Магистър
1995 - 1997 - Магистър-инженер по Биомедицински Технологии, Патренски Университет, гр. Патрас, Гърция, Магистър
1998 - 2003 - Доктор-инженер по Биомедицински Технологии, Патренски Университет, гр. Патрас, Гърция, Доктор
Област на преподавателска дейност
Логика и автомати
Базово програмиране
Дискретни структури
Биомедицинско инженерство
Област на научна дейност
Биомедицинско инженерство
английски (С1), гръцки (С2)
- Bliznakova, P. Russo, Z. Kamarianakis, G. Mettivier, H. Requardt, A. Bravin, and I. Buliev, 2016 In–line phase contrast breast tomosynthesis: A phantom feasibility study at a synchrotron radiation facility, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(16), p.6243-6263, 2016.
- Daskalaki A, Bliznakova K and Pallikarakis N, 2016, Evaluation of the effect of silicone breast inserts on X-ray mammography and breast tomosynthesis images: A Monte Carlo simulation study, Physica Medica, 32(2), p. 353-361
- Malliori A, Bliznakova K, Bliznakov Z, Cockmartin L, Bosmans H and Pallikarakis N, 2016, Breast tomosynthesis using the Multiple Projection Algorithm adapted for stationary detectors, Journal of x-ray science and technology, 24(1), p.23-41
- Bosmans H, Bliznakova K, Padovani R, Christofides S, Van Peteghem N, Tsapaki V, Caruana J, and J. Vassileva, 2015, EUTEMPE-RX, an EC supported FP7 project for the Training and Education of Medical Physics Experts in Radiology, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 165: 1-5
- Bliznakova K, Russo P, Mettivier G, Requardt H, Popov P, Bravin A, Buliev I, 2015, A software platform for phase contrast x-ray breast imaging research, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 61, p. 62-74
- Bliznakova K, Kolev N, Buliev I, Tonev A, Encheva E, Bliznakov Z, and Ivanov K, 2015, Computer-aided pre-operative evaluation of the residual liver volume using Computed Tomography images, Journal of Digital Imaging, 28 (2), p. 231-239
- Bliznakova K, Dermitzakis A, Kamarianakis Z, Bliznakov Z, Buliev I, Pallikarakis N, 2015, Modeling of Small Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers for X-ray Imaging Simulation, Journal of Composite Materials, 49 (20), pp. 2541-2553
- Malliori A, Bliznakova K, Sechopoulos I, Kamarianakis Z, Fei B, Pallikarakis N, 2014, Breast tomosynthesis with monochromatic beams: A feasibility study using Monte Carlo simulation, Phys Med Biol, 59(16), pp. 4681-4696
- Sechopoulos, K. Bliznakova, X. Qin, B. Fei, 2013, Power spectrum analysis of the x-ray scatter signal in mammography and breast tomosynthesis projections, Med Phys., 39(8), pp. 5050-5059
- Liaparinos P, Bliznakova K, 2012, Monte Carlo evaluation and comparison of X-ray converters for digital mammography using software breast models, Med Phys. Nov, 39, pp. 6638-6651
- Malliori, K. Bliznakova, R.D. Speller, J.A. Horrocks, L. Rigon, G. Tromba and N. Pallikarakis, 2012, Image quality evaluation of breast tomosynthesis with synchrotron radiation, Med. Phys. 39, pp. 5621-5635
- Bliznakova K, 2012, Application of synchrotron radiation in Mammography, Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2(2), 94-110
- Sechopoulos I, Bliznakova K, Qin X, Fei B, Feng S, 2012, Characterization of the homogeneous tissue mixture approximation in breast imaging dosimetry, Med Phys, 39, pp. 5050-5060
- Bliznakova K, Sechopoulos I, Buliev I, Pallikarakis N, 2012, BreastSimulator: A software platform for breast x-ray imaging research. Journal of Biomedical Graphics and Computing, 2(1), pp. 1-14
- Bliznakova K, Bliznakov Z, Buliev I, 2012, An improved algorithm for out-of-plane artifacts removal in digital tomosynthesis reconstructions, Meth. Progr. Biomed., 107(1), pp. 75-83
- Rodina-Theocharaki A, Bliznakova K, Pallikarakis N, 2012, Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation for projection of end stage renal disease patients in Greece. Meth. Progr. Biomed., 107 (1), pp. 90-96