доц. д-р инж. Кристина Близнакова


Стая: 305 ТВ 

Тел. +359 52 383 694

E-mail: kristina.bliznakova@tu-varna.bg


Образование и обучение

1991 - 1996 - Електроинженер, Технически Университет – Варна, Магистър

1995 - 1997 - Магистър-инженер по Биомедицински Технологии, Патренски Университет, гр. Патрас, Гърция, Магистър

1998 - 2003 - Доктор-инженер по Биомедицински Технологии, Патренски Университет, гр. Патрас, Гърция, Доктор

Област на преподавателска дейност

Логика и автомати
Базово програмиране
Дискретни структури
Биомедицинско инженерство

Област на научна дейност

Биомедицинско инженерство


английски (С1), гръцки (С2)



  1. Bliznakova, P. Russo, Z. Kamarianakis, G. Mettivier, H. Requardt, A. Bravin, and I. Buliev, 2016 In–line phase contrast breast tomosynthesis: A phantom feasibility study at a synchrotron radiation facility, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(16), p.6243-6263, 2016.
  2. Daskalaki A, Bliznakova K and Pallikarakis N, 2016, Evaluation of the effect of silicone breast inserts on X-ray mammography and breast tomosynthesis images: A Monte Carlo simulation study, Physica Medica, 32(2), p. 353-361
  3. Malliori A, Bliznakova K, Bliznakov Z, Cockmartin L, Bosmans H and Pallikarakis N, 2016, Breast tomosynthesis using the Multiple Projection Algorithm adapted for stationary detectors, Journal of x-ray science and technology, 24(1), p.23-41
  4. Bosmans H, Bliznakova K, Padovani R, Christofides S, Van Peteghem N, Tsapaki V, Caruana J, and J. Vassileva, 2015, EUTEMPE-RX, an EC supported FP7 project for the Training and Education of Medical Physics Experts in Radiology, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 165: 1-5
  5. Bliznakova K, Russo P, Mettivier G, Requardt H, Popov P, Bravin A, Buliev I, 2015, A software platform for phase contrast x-ray breast imaging research, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 61, p. 62-74
  6. Bliznakova K, Kolev N, Buliev I, Tonev A, Encheva E, Bliznakov Z, and Ivanov K, 2015, Computer-aided pre-operative evaluation of the residual liver volume using Computed Tomography images, Journal of Digital Imaging, 28 (2), p. 231-239
  7. Bliznakova K, Dermitzakis A, Kamarianakis Z, Bliznakov Z, Buliev I, Pallikarakis N, 2015, Modeling of Small Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers for X-ray Imaging Simulation, Journal of Composite Materials, 49 (20), pp. 2541-2553
  8. Malliori A, Bliznakova K, Sechopoulos I, Kamarianakis Z, Fei B, Pallikarakis N, 2014, Breast tomosynthesis with monochromatic beams: A feasibility study using Monte Carlo simulation, Phys Med Biol, 59(16), pp. 4681-4696
  9. Sechopoulos, K. Bliznakova, X. Qin, B. Fei, 2013, Power spectrum analysis of the x-ray scatter signal in mammography and breast tomosynthesis projections, Med Phys., 39(8), pp. 5050-5059
  10. Liaparinos P, Bliznakova K, 2012, Monte Carlo evaluation and comparison of X-ray converters for digital mammography using software breast models, Med Phys. Nov, 39, pp. 6638-6651
  11. Malliori, K. Bliznakova, R.D. Speller, J.A. Horrocks, L. Rigon, G. Tromba and N. Pallikarakis, 2012, Image quality evaluation of breast tomosynthesis with synchrotron radiation, Med. Phys. 39, pp. 5621-5635
  12. Bliznakova K, 2012, Application of synchrotron radiation in Mammography, Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2(2), 94-110
  13. Sechopoulos I, Bliznakova K, Qin X, Fei B, Feng S, 2012, Characterization of the homogeneous tissue mixture approximation in breast imaging dosimetry, Med Phys, 39, pp. 5050-5060
  14. Bliznakova K, Sechopoulos I, Buliev I, Pallikarakis N, 2012, BreastSimulator: A software platform for breast x-ray imaging research. Journal of Biomedical Graphics and Computing, 2(1), pp. 1-14
  15. Bliznakova K, Bliznakov Z, Buliev I, 2012, An improved algorithm for out-of-plane artifacts removal in digital tomosynthesis reconstructions, Meth. Progr. Biomed., 107(1), pp. 75-83
  16. Rodina-Theocharaki A, Bliznakova K, Pallikarakis N, 2012, Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation for projection of end stage renal disease patients in Greece. Meth. Progr. Biomed., 107 (1), pp. 90-96